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Consultant & Campaigner

I advise on campaigning, fundraising, conservation and development.

I consult to churches and cathedrals on project management, options appraisals, conservation and fundraising.

For eight years I was Secretary to the Church Buildings Council and the Cathedral Fabric Commission for England. I led a team which secured £40 million in new money for repairs under the First World War Centenary Cathedral Fabric Repair Fund and a total of £55 million for the Church Roofs Fund.  Working with others in telecommunications and transport we achieved a private member’s bill, the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 to curb metal theft and I oversaw church chair and parish church art competitions to raise design standards.

As a Governor and Chair of the Estates Committee at Haileybury I’ve commissioned a conversation management plan and estate masterplan for an ambitious development of a major school and the site of England’s first Greek Revival buildings by William Wilkins and landscaped by Humphry Repton. As a Trustee of the Priory of St John I chair the Heritage Committee where we are engaged in a lighting project in the 12th-century crypt of the Hospitaller’s church in Clerkenwell.

I charge a daily rate for my consultancy services. For a proposal please contact me
